coğrafi bölge
Okyanusya, Pasifik Okyanusu üzerinde bulunan adalardan oluşan bir kıtadır. Kıta binlerce ülkeye sahiptir. Burada dünyanın en güzel beyaz plajları, coconutları ve palmiyeleri burada bulunmaktadır. Kıtadaki adaların çoğunluğu volkanik adadan meydana gelir. Burada dünyanın uluslararası şehirleri ve köyleri yer almaktadır.
düzenleAvustralya, Yeni Zelanda ve Papua Yeni Gine kıtanın en büyük ülkeleri olup en çok gezilen bölgelerdendir. Okyanusya genellikle Polinezya (Yeni Zelanda'nın doğusu ve kuzeyi) ve Melanezya (batıda ve ekvatorun güneyinde) ve Mikronezya (ekvatorun kuzeyi) denilen büyük ada topluluklarından oluşur.
Avustralya The largest and most populous country in Oceania, often considered a continent by itself. Frequent destinations include the state capitals of Adelaide, Brisbane, Darwin, Hobart, Melbourne, Perth, and Sidney, as well as the national capital, Canberra. It has a wide range of climates, from temperate to tropical, and a range of landscapes, from deserts to alpine regions and rainforests. |
Yeni Zelanda Although, like most countries, tiny in size compared to Australia, a major destination and widely regarded as one of the most pristine and beautiful countries on earth. Well-developed facilities for travellers. Geographically — and to a significant degree culturally — New Zealand is part of Polynesia: the indigenous Māori are Polynesian, and more Polynesians live in greater Auckland than in all the other cities of Polynesia put together. |
Papua Yeni Gine Geographically part of Melanesia, the islands have tropical rainforests, great scenery, and diverse cultures. The main island of Yeni Gine is shared with Endonezya. An adventurous, rarely visited travel destination where caution is advised. |
Polinezya No other name quite conjures up images of paradise like this one. Stunning paradisical islands sprawling for thousands of miles across the remote South Pacific. |
Melanezya Closely related to the ethno-cultural make-up of the oft-included Papua New Guinea. Fiji is the most visited country in Melanesia. |
Mikronezya The tiny Micronesian islands fall on or north of the Equator, and see less tourist and business travel than the rest of the island groupings. Palau is arguably the most interesting destination among these islands. |