Modül:Marker utilities/Groups
Bu modül için bir Modül:Marker utilities/Groups/belge belgelendirmesi oluşturabilirsiniz
-- returning an array with group properties
-- please use only quotation marks instead of apostrophs for JSON export
return {
["error"] = { color = "#FF00FF", is = "system", label = "Fehler" },
mask = { color = "#FF00FF", is = "system", label = "Maske" },
track = { color = "#FF00FF", is = "system", label = "Track" },
area = { color = "#800000", label = "Bölge", default = "region" },
buy = { color = "#008080", label = "Market", default = "shop" },
["do"] = { color = "#808080", label = "Aktivite", map = "Aktiviteler", default = "sports" },
drink = { color = "#000000", label = "Bar", default = "bar" },
eat = { color = "#D2691E", label = "Restoran", map = "Restoranlar", default = "restaurant" },
go = { color = "#A52A2A", label = "İstasyon", default = "station" },
other = { color = "#228B22", label = "Ofis", default = "office" },
populated = { color = "#0000FF", label = "Kasaba", default = "town" },
see = { color = "#4682B4", label = "Anıt", map = "Anıt", default = "monument" },
sleep = { color = "#000080", label = "Otel", default = "hotel" },
view = { color = "#4169E1", label = "Manzara", default = "viewpoint" },
black = { color = "#000000", is = "color", alias = "drink", label = "schwarz" },
blue = { color = "#0000FF", is = "color", alias = "populated", label = "blau" },
brown = { color = "#A52A2A", is = "color", alias = "go", label = "brown" },
chocolate = { color = "#D2691E", is = "color", alias = "eat", label = "schokoladenbraun", map = "schokobraun" },
forestgreen = { color = "#228B22", is = "color", alias = "other", label = "waldgrün", map = "waldgruen" },
fuchsia = { color = "#FF00FF", is = "color", alias = "error", label = "purpurrot" },
gray = { color = "#808080", is = "color", alias = "do", label = "grau" },
grey = { color = "#808080", is = "color", alias = "do", label = "grau" },
magenta = { color = "#FF00FF", is = "color", alias = "error", label = "magentarot" },
maroon = { color = "#800000", is = "color", alias = "area", label = "kastanienbraun" },
navy = { color = "#000080", is = "color", alias = "sleep", label = "marineblau" },
royalblue = { color = "#4169E1", is = "color", alias = "view", label = "königsblau", map = "koenigsblau" },
steelblue = { color = "#4682B4", is = "color", alias = "see", label = "stahlblau" },
teal = { color = "#008080", is = "color", alias = "buy", label = "blaugrün", map = "blaugruen" },
cosmos = { color = "#FFCFCF", is = "color", label = "cosmos" }, -- instead of former type target, FFCCCC
gold = { color = "#FFD700", is = "color", label = "gold" },
lime = { color = "#BFFF00", is = "color", label = "hellgrün", map = "hellgruen" },
mediumaquamarine = { color = "#66CDAA", is = "color", label = "aquamarinblau" },
orange = { color = "#FFA500", is = "color", label = "orange" },
plum = { color = "#DDA0DD", is = "color", label = "pflaumenblau" },
purple = { color = "#800080", is = "color", label = "violett" },
red = { color = "#FF0000", is = "color", label = "rot" },
silver = { color = "#C0C0C0", is = "color", label = "silber" }